Au revoir Basel
Time flies! this is always true, especially when you have a good time, and to be fair, I think I have had a good time in Basel. Even when taking into consideration the long hours in front of hundreds of excel files, the uncertainty about how was all work going to be at the end, and some headaches because of the microclima that this region of Switzerland seems to have, I can say once more that "time flies", and my time in Basel this summer has come to its end.
Below, my last dinner in Basel, before all the people you can see in the picture bacame incapable of walking due to the ammount of very good pizza we had in our stomachs. Andreas, thank you for the fantastic Basel map you draw in June. Especially for your selection of bars and restaurants.
After dinner, the remainig components of a BOW that will continue even without interns during the year, decided to go to Bar Rouge for the last gin&tonic in Basel, a bar in the 31st floor of the highest building in Switzerland (yeah, switzerland is not precisely "the place" if what you are looking for is just high buildings). In our way there, and giving that the weather has decided to be good again just when I leave, we walk in front of some men enjoying strett chess.
Bar Rouge. This place is really good (except for the price). The bar is well decorated, the music is good, and when you go up in the elevator it looks like you ar going to hell, but instead of doing that way down under the earth, you take the elvator up.
The only thing is that considering the nice night views you have from the whole city once there, there is usually not a lot of people, the people who is there are not in a very daniong mood, and do not know why but I have reached the conclusion that the place is cursed. This is the only explanation that I can think of, because this bar would be absolutely crowded everyday in any other city.
Well, that is more or less everyting I guess. I will miss some things from Switzerland: the weekend trips, the mountains, the friends I leave here (including Germany), the swimming in the Rhine, my runnings following the river, some beers in the park close to my place, our summer BOWs, the crazy nights in Zurich and the people with whom I have been there, the morning coffees with Ignacio in our smoking turkish bar close to Novartis, the afternoon cigarrete with Paco to talk about how things are going on in cardiovascular marketing, and many other things which, if mentioned all, will make you change url very fast.
On the other side, I am glad to come back to my city, Barcelona, a place with a much more stable mediterranian weather, and to leave some things I won't miss: Having one of my fingers white every time I try to open the cream for my expresso, or to be unable to speak a word of german (or should I better say to not be able to pronounce any sound that sound like german), and some peculiarities which I can't really understand. For example, why you can take your litter out only on mondays and thursdays in Basel? What happens if I decide to invite 10 people to my micro-apartment for a friday dinner consisting of...smelly fish? and many other things that, if mentioned all, will make you change url very fast. Ahh, another thing that I won't miss for sure is the conversation I will have tomorrow morning with the easyjet person in charge of weighting my luggage.
So I guess this is the end of this short-life blog. Many people have asked me to keep the blog going. Apreciate. I am not sure about this. In spanish we say "lo bueno, si breve, dos veces bueno". So I guess is better to close this now that it has accomplished the purpose for which was created. Now we have to move on and finish the MBA. Time to think again about how is going to be the incomming year (well, we are not in 2007 but you know, I am still working with school calendars, so for me tomorrow starts a new year). I think I have three main objectives for the year. One is to find a good job, and one that I really like. The other is to spend a good time with all my friends from IESE (this includes winning the Olympics) and the rest of my people in Barcelona. And the third one, well, that one is not of your business.
If I remember well, this is the first pic I took in July just arrived from the airport. We can repeat the pic as a sunny melancolic image of the beggining of my internship. At that time I didn't know if it was going to be good or bad, but with that pic as the first one, I should have known already at that time that is was going to be a good summer.
I think this is the view that I have seen more times in Basel, both in my way to work and in the afternoon in my way back home. Look at the sky: do you think is going to rain or not? Difficult eh!!
I steal a pic from josh as the leaving pic.
ok, we are ready to leave now. Good bye Basel! Good bye rhine!
Music for today: Fugees - Ready or not
Thanks for sharing with us, was a great read (funny at times!) for someone who would love a similar internship. Glad it went well. See you in IESE!
Marc Marc Marc,
I know I'm not the best example of keeping my blog up to date lately, but when are we going to get an update?
At least a littly description of your fake tennis elbow injury....somethiing!
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